Oracle 10g Products and Forms Development

Oracle 10g provides a complete Internet infrastructure that makes it easy for companies interested in e-commerce to create and deploy scalable, Web-based applications. Oracle markets three products to help you achieve this:
- Oracle Database 10g:
Manages all of your information, both structured (such as operational data from your applications) and unstructured (such as documents, XML, and images). Oracle tools such as Forms can automatically reuse the database structure and its integrity constraints, which reduces the amount of manual coding.
- Oracle Application Server 10g:
Runs all of your applicaitons, including Java, wireless, portals, and business intelligence. By sing Oracle Application Server, you can deploy and manage all applications developed with Oracle Developer Suite. The Oracle Application Server contains Oracle Forms Services, which you use to deploy your Forms applications.
- Oracle Developer Suite 10g:
Enables you to quickly and easily build scalable, secure, and reliable e-business applications. The suite provides a complete and highly productive development evnironment for builging applications. Oracle Forms Developer, which you use to build Forms applications, is part of Oracle Developer Suite.

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